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I Am a Fraternity Man

I am [not what they say I am].

From media headlines to Hollywood movies, fraternity men are commonly characterized as irresponsible meatheads whose extracurricular activities include disrespecting women, binge-drinking, hazing pledges and blowing their parents’ money.

Unfortunately, these bad apples do exist in fraternities. Just as they do in any membership organization or team, as well as society at large. But society’s negative, wide-sweeping generalizations about fraternity members discredit the vast majority of young men whose fraternity experience is positive and nothing like the negative ones portrayed in the media.

Simply put ... They are not stereotypes. They are fraternity men. And they each have their own unique stories that more fairly represent the norm.

Shallow? Click to learn the truth about Jonah.

Shallow? Click to learn the truth about Jonah.

Immature? Click to learn the truth about Hector.

Immature? Click to learn the truth about Hector.

Conformist? Click to learn the truth about Kevin C.

Conformist? Click to learn the truth about Kevin C.

Follower? Click to learn the truth about Kevin D.

Follower? Click to learn the truth about Kevin D.

Lazy? Click to learn the truth about Steven.

Lazy? Click to learn the truth about Steven.

Privileged? Click to learn the truth about Kyle.

Privileged? Click to learn the truth about Kyle.

Harmful? Click to learn the truth about Jared.

Harmful? Click to learn the truth about Jared.

Selfish? Click to learn the truth about Theo.

Selfish? Click to learn the truth about Theo.

Entitled? Click to learn the truth about Kevin.

Entitled? Click to learn the truth about Kevin.

Alcoholic? Click to learn the truth about Alex.

Alcoholic? Click to learn the truth about Alex.

Chauvinist? Click to learn the truth about Grant.

Chauvinist? Click to learn the truth about Grant.

Meathead? Click to learn the truth about Logan.

Meathead? Click to learn the truth about Logan.

Hazer? Click to learn the truth about Colin.

Hazer? Click to learn the truth about Colin.

Irresponsible? Click to learn the truth about Jacob.

Irresponsible? Click to learn the truth about Jacob.

Self-centered? Click to learn the truth about Jordan.

Self-centered? Click to learn the truth about Jordan.

Lori supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Lori supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Mike supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Mike supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Emily supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Emily supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Justin supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Justin supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Kimberly supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Kimberly supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Joe supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.

Joe supports fraternity men.Click to find out why.